Beginner Yoga Course - x5 sessions


This 5-week Beginner Yoga Course will give you all the basic elements you'll need to feel confident and comfortable to kick start your yoga journey.

We'll cover foundational poses, learn to breathe deeply, get moving and above all, understand a little about the mechanics of our body and how and why we move the way we do. We all have different body types after all. Ever wondered why some people can touch their toes and others are miles away. It’s actually all in the pelvis. Whilst this course is online, we’ll go over the core poses in detail, so you can feel the muscles engage and build awareness of your own body. We’ll also explore your own capabilities and set some goals for what you need to achieve to progress further.

Overall, each class will start with an introduction to breathing, some gentle stretches to warm up and then we’ll move onto 3-4 key yoga poses. We’ll then move onto a couple of postures which we call the closing sequence, but essentially is a warm down, where we will then move onto some well-deserved relaxation. A brief outline of what’s included in each week is outlined below. You do not need to know these names or postures as we will cover them all off in each session.

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This 5-week Beginner Yoga Course will give you all the basic elements you'll need to feel confident and comfortable to kick start your yoga journey.

We'll cover foundational poses, learn to breathe deeply, get moving and above all, understand a little about the mechanics of our body and how and why we move the way we do. We all have different body types after all. Ever wondered why some people can touch their toes and others are miles away. It’s actually all in the pelvis. Whilst this course is online, we’ll go over the core poses in detail, so you can feel the muscles engage and build awareness of your own body. We’ll also explore your own capabilities and set some goals for what you need to achieve to progress further.

Overall, each class will start with an introduction to breathing, some gentle stretches to warm up and then we’ll move onto 3-4 key yoga poses. We’ll then move onto a couple of postures which we call the closing sequence, but essentially is a warm down, where we will then move onto some well-deserved relaxation. A brief outline of what’s included in each week is outlined below. You do not need to know these names or postures as we will cover them all off in each session.

This 5-week Beginner Yoga Course will give you all the basic elements you'll need to feel confident and comfortable to kick start your yoga journey.

We'll cover foundational poses, learn to breathe deeply, get moving and above all, understand a little about the mechanics of our body and how and why we move the way we do. We all have different body types after all. Ever wondered why some people can touch their toes and others are miles away. It’s actually all in the pelvis. Whilst this course is online, we’ll go over the core poses in detail, so you can feel the muscles engage and build awareness of your own body. We’ll also explore your own capabilities and set some goals for what you need to achieve to progress further.

Overall, each class will start with an introduction to breathing, some gentle stretches to warm up and then we’ll move onto 3-4 key yoga poses. We’ll then move onto a couple of postures which we call the closing sequence, but essentially is a warm down, where we will then move onto some well-deserved relaxation. A brief outline of what’s included in each week is outlined below. You do not need to know these names or postures as we will cover them all off in each session.

Week 1: Key poses - Looking after your spine: Downward-facing dog, seated hip-opener; and seated forward fold

Week 2: Importance of your feet: Standing forward folds, triangle and side angle poses

Week 3: Improving your posture - stand taller - upward-facing dog and other chest-openers

Week 4: Hip-openers - looking after your lower back and knees

Week 5: Putting it all together: Sun Salutations and modified versions

60-minute Class - You’ll have access to a full 60-minute class, where we put everything we’ve learned together, with back to back postures. You’ll have access to this to watch, repeat and do over and over, whenever you want.

5 Week Course, starts as soon as you download. You’ll have access to the library of content and you can start, repeat whenever you want.