The Good Food Yogi The Good Food Yogi

Exciting Jaunty Goat Collaboration On The Cards!

We’re super excited to announce this amazing collaboration with Jaunty Goat on Northgate Street, Chester. Jaunty Goat has two coffee and food cafes in Chester. We’re teaming up with the purely plant-based/vegan Jaunty Goat on Northgate Street to host this fabulous Sunday morning Yoga & Brunch.

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Recipe The Good Food Yogi Recipe The Good Food Yogi

RECIPE: Tomato And Chestnut Rosemary Tart

This scrummy tart is a combination of two recipes from Natasha's Honestly Healthy "Honestly Healthy For Life" cook book. Most of the time, I adapt recipes to suit various needs, like gluten-free, refined sugar free or nut-free and mostly because I can't help but experiment! But this combo of recipes is just delicious and it went down an absolute treat at October's Yoga Workshop Day. Packed with protein, iron and packed with Vitamin C, this tart goes well with a green salad and will keep for a few days, making a perfect weekday lunch or two.

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Yoga The Good Food Yogi Yoga The Good Food Yogi

Inspiration And The Beauty Of Yoga

Yoga is not about competition or how flexible you are. It's about spending time on yourself, which we are so often too busy to do in this day and age. Spend as little as an hour tuning into your body and working as much as you feel you can that day and you're still feel the benefits. That's the beauty of yoga.

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